Two Fun Snow Day
Activities You Can Do With Your Dog – Snowshoeing and Skijoring
Love to walk your dog, but feel confined by the snow? Don't
be resigned to getting all of your exercise on the indoor treadmill during the
winter months. You can strap on the snowshoes, grab the pooch, and go! As in outside! It's pretty simple, really. If you can walk,
you can snowshoe, and, these days, snowshoes have come a long way from your
grandfather's snowshoes that resembled tennis racquets. Now they are made of
materials such as lightweight aluminum, composite plastic, even titanium; they
are high-tech and are well designed.
Snowshoeing is a low-impact, calorie burning exercise that
allows you to get out in nature and stave off cabin fever. Add a dog or dogs and viola - the perfect
snowy day activity!
Another outdoor exercise option for you and the pup is
skijoring. Skijoring is simply connecting the cross-country skier and his dog
(or dogs) together via a specially designed belt and tugline and dog harness(s). If you are a competent cross-country skier,
consider bringing your pooch along. It's another great way to commune with
nature and bond with your four-legged friend.
Generally, any breed of dog (35 lbs. and up) that loves to run can be
trained. Oh, and it helps if the dog likes snow!
Now you may think that the dog pulls the skier when
skijoring... ummm, no. Dogs are not supposed to drag the skier, just increase
his speed. A skier can ski faster and/or
farther with a dog, but it takes additional skill and effort to maintain
control and balance when skiing with a dog or dogs. If you are new at
cross-country, become competent before you invite Fido along.
So is your dog up to these kinds of workouts? Well, as with
any new exercise, it's always best to check in with your veterinarian before
embarking on a new activity. Most trim and fit dogs should do fine, but,
remember, walking through deep snow when snowshoeing will be physically
demanding for your dog, so be sure to start out with a short outing and
gradually build up to longer ones. (You don't want to end up with an exhausted
pet that you have to carry back!) Also,
take a daypack and carry plenty of water and snacks for you both. Don't forget
to check your pup's paws for ice and snow that can clump between your dog's
pads, resulting in painful ice balls. You might consider getting protective
booties. In addition, if your dog is not dressed in a heavy fur coat, like a
Husky or Malamute, he might benefit from a man-made coat. And it’s a good idea to
bring along a small blanket or pad for your dog to lie on when you stop for
Before you start, make sure the place you are planning to
visit is dog-friendly, and if so, find out what the rules are. Some places
allow dogs only in certain areas and/or at certain times of day, and there may
be a charge. Also, your dog may be
required to be on a leash or skijoring equipment (harness for the dog, a belt
for the human and a towline to connect them). If your dog is off-leash, it's
important to be considerate of other trail users and keep your dog under
control and out of the way. As for the
"doo," you know what to do. That's right, pick it up and pack it out.
Good doggy etiquette helps to keep the trails dog-friendly.
Don't let the winter weather keep you on the couch. Get out
of the house and into nature's beauty. Whether you choose to snow shoe or
cross-country ski with your dog, you will be spending quality time together
that will, no doubt, result in happy tails and tales. Have fun out there!
This article written by Chris Shafer was first published at
with the title “How to Go Snowshoeing and Skijoring with Your Dog.”
If your dog needs a coat or a leash or dog-safe foot balm
like Musher's Secret (to keep snow and ice from sticking to his paws), you can
count on GoodDog to get your pooch geared-up for outdoor adventures. And we’ve
got nutritious treats to keep your dog energized on your outings. Winter has a
ways to go, so there is still time to have some fun with your best fur friend
this season in the great outdoors.