Dear Pet Lovers,


Summer is here and we are all ready to take our dogs for a dip in the lake or in the pool! But believe it or not, most dogs don't instinctively know how to swim!

While some breeds have bodies designed for swimming, others' builds make it a challenge.

"Some dogs don't know how to swim. They will only paddle with their front legs. When this happens, their hind side may sink, they become totally vertical and increasingly frantic, and can actually drown. In addition, some breeds have bodies designed for swimming, while others are built in ways that make swimming more of a challenge.

That said, almost any dog can be taught to at least tolerate the water, and most of the time, really enjoy it. Here's how to help yours do so safely.

Definitely do not just throw your dog into the water! Dogs can drown. Be positive and don't be frustrated if your dog doesn't seem to enjoy the water as much as you'd like him to.

Make it FAMILY FUN! Some dogs will go into a pool, pond or other water body without hesitation the very first time they see one, but many others need a little help from their friends. For some dogs, just letting them play in a sloping pond or pool with steps with dogs that love to swim is all it takes. Other dogs will follow their owner into the water with encouragement, food or toys because they know and trust their human!

Dense-bodied, short-legged dogs such as pugs and bulldogs may have trouble staying afloat. For these breeds and any other dog who's float- challenged, a life jacket can help. Quality canine life jackets provide greater visibility, greater buoyancy and a means to control or lift a dog out of the water in an emergency. Life jackets are also important if you and your dog are boating. If he goes overboard unexpectedly, the handle atop the jacket will help you hoist him out of the water.

A dog may have a great time swimming in a pool but be unable to figure out how to leave that pool. Grab his life jacket handle or direct him to the pool steps or ramp so that he can make his exit. Be sure to watch for signs that he's getting tired, such as heavy panting, breathing or increased splashing while paddling.

And finally…. Your dog's coat and skin may feel icky and matted after his swim. He may also have dry, gummy hair and irritated skin -- if pool, lake or ocean water dries on them. After every dip in the pool or splash session in the ocean, rinse your dog thoroughly and towel him as dry as possible.

At GoodDog, we believe in keeping your pets safe at all times. Don’t forget that when summer comes, also come summer issues like swimming, fleas, ticks, and all sorts of fun adventures!! We carry life jackets and treatments for the pests that invade your dog AND your home!

Be safe out there!!!

Pam, Kim, Krister and Rosanna

The GoodDog Team